The Benefits of Online Gaming

Whether you’re an avid gamer or just a casual one, the benefits of online gaming are numerous. These benefits include enhanced creativity, improved memory and problem-solving skills. If you’re still not convinced, then read on for more information! We’ve compiled a list of benefits to online gaming that you’ll want to consider. Weigh the pros and cons before you sign up! Listed below are just a few:

Social benefits

Besides fostering a sense of teamwork among players, online gaming also creates social bonds. It can be a great way to meet new people and build social bonds. In this article, we’ll explore the social benefits of online gaming. This article also discusses how these games foster social bonds among players. For the benefit of those who aren’t aware of these benefits, let’s explore the following. Listed below are some of the most prominent social benefits of online gaming.

Improved creativity

A new study claims that playing video games improves creativity. 352 participants completed a creativity task while playing Minecraft or watching TV. They were then asked to draw an alien creature unlike anything that inhabits Earth. Creativity increased significantly in those who drew more alien creatures than those who drew human beings. Researchers found that online gaming promotes creativity by fostering an environment where participants explore worlds and construct imaginative creations.

Improved problem-solving skills

A new study explores the impact of brain-training and video gameplay on problemsolving skills. Researchers used two brain-training games, World of Warcraft and CogniFit, on players’ problem-solving skills before and after playing 20 hours betboo of gameplay. Participants were assessed on two types of problem-solving tasks: the rule-application component, which is necessary for completing a task, and the transfer of problem-solving skills from gameplay to an assessment.

Improved memory

The study involving 23 healthy, young, and highly educated individuals suggests that playing online games improves memory capacity. Participants in the study performed cognitive tests on a variety of tasks and experienced improvements after playing the games for two weeks. The improvements continued even after the study period ended. The results are interesting, but there are limitations. For example, it’s not clear if the improvements in memory will transfer to other types of cognitive training, such as reading.

Improved spatial reasoning

Online games can help develop spatial reasoning skills. A game such as Shape in 3D helps you develop your skills by introducing logical and spatial thinking. You solve puzzles and change orientations of blocks to improve your spatial reasoning. The same principles can also be used to learn more about the center of mass of a structure. The right game can also improve your spatial orientation. So, get online and start playing! You’ll be surprised how much fun and productive online gaming can be.

Reduced anxiety

There are several benefits of online gaming that are not immediately obvious. In a recent systematic review, researchers assessed the effects of COTS video games on people with anxiety disorders. They found that playing such games reduced symptoms more significantly than standard counseling. In addition, the game format encourages the player to learn more effective ways to manage anxiety, such as exposure therapy. One VR game simulates a real-life situation where players are subjected to disturbing stimuli. The VR game also uses a multi-level structure to gradually expose players to distressing stimuli to prepare them for the real world.